Mostly about reptiles and piano playing...
(*not reptiles playing the piano, I hasten to add)
(*not reptiles playing the piano, I hasten to add)

Update (24/12/24)
This website has not had a lot going on with it for a while. This can be explained by the appearance of a particular YouTube channel called Stories from Skyrim. This has taken up a lot of my attention. I've also moved and had to rehome all but one of the geckos and got behind on updating on my finished piano pieces (I've added Indaco, now). I've been learning Primavera for quite a while now, but work gets in the way and then my next priority has been the Stories YT channel. You're welcome to go and see what I've been up to with my VR headset.
This website has not had a lot going on with it for a while. This can be explained by the appearance of a particular YouTube channel called Stories from Skyrim. This has taken up a lot of my attention. I've also moved and had to rehome all but one of the geckos and got behind on updating on my finished piano pieces (I've added Indaco, now). I've been learning Primavera for quite a while now, but work gets in the way and then my next priority has been the Stories YT channel. You're welcome to go and see what I've been up to with my VR headset.
Indaco (19/12/2020)
Cover of Einauldi's work.
Cover of Einauldi's work.
Romanze (08/03/2020)
Beethoven this time. From Sonatina in G. A bit tricky in places, but I think I just about got it.
Beethoven this time. From Sonatina in G. A bit tricky in places, but I think I just about got it.
Musette in D Major (24/12/2019)
Another Bach, although this one is actually thought to be by one of his sons.
Another Bach, although this one is actually thought to be by one of his sons.
Lothlorien (17/11/2019)
A gorgeous little piece played purely for the pleasure of it
A gorgeous little piece played purely for the pleasure of it
Minuet - Schubert (D41, No. 8) (03/11/2019)
Short version, I missed out all but the minuet repeat
Short version, I missed out all but the minuet repeat
New Additions (06/10/2019).
I forgot to announce Sia and Resheph on the home page at the time although I did add them to the gallery, sorry.
Seshat and Heh are the latest, and last, in this year's season. (I'm not sure how Seshat will fare, to be honest, she came from a very small egg and is tiny.)
Seshat and Heh are the latest, and last, in this year's season. (I'm not sure how Seshat will fare, to be honest, she came from a very small egg and is tiny.)
Gargoyle Gecko Gallery added (20/07/2019).
Some photos of my geckos
Some photos of my geckos
Menuet in D Minor (attributed to) Bach (06/07/2019)
A really beautiful piece of music. That left hand had to work hard on its own melody!
A really beautiful piece of music. That left hand had to work hard on its own melody!
A Bit Extra (04/07/2019)
I took webcam footage of Sah's hatching. It's not great as it was filmed through the container's proper lid, but I have edited it down from an hour to about 7 minutes.
It's here - Hatching video
I took webcam footage of Sah's hatching. It's not great as it was filmed through the container's proper lid, but I have edited it down from an hour to about 7 minutes.
It's here - Hatching video
Even More Gecko News (04/07/2019)
Hatched this morning - Sah
I didn't think this one would hatch when yesterday the egg became dented. I panicked, thinking the embryo had died, but took anti-dehydration measures just in case - this was probably completely unnecessary, but did no harm (better safe than sorry).
Hatched this morning - Sah
I didn't think this one would hatch when yesterday the egg became dented. I panicked, thinking the embryo had died, but took anti-dehydration measures just in case - this was probably completely unnecessary, but did no harm (better safe than sorry).
More Gecko News (03/07/2019)
Little Ash hatched on 01/07/2019:
Little Ash hatched on 01/07/2019:
Gypsy Dance in D Minor by Haydn (18/05/2019)
A short piece but with a challenging last two bars for someone who doesn't have long fingers.
BIG NEWS! 09/05/2019
My first (ok, Atum and Ammit's first) hatchling!
Mozart's Andante in E Flat (27/04/2019)
Only the third piece I've learnt since taking the piano back up.
Only the third piece I've learnt since taking the piano back up.
Website update summary:
Recently added: new hobby - return to playing the piano. Gradually, building up a repertoire of sorts. I'm not very good - after 40 years it's all a bit rusty and forgotten - but I'm sure it'll get better. (Might take a while.)
Gone: old hobby - knitting - it was just too much for my elbow, so there's unlikely to be much more of that. Sorry. I've left the gallery there for the time being, though.
Still remaining upon these pages are some past scribblings, including:
Craft Blog - A bit of craftiness (last updated 20/02/2016)
And I've left the Physics Page from teacher-y days
Recently added: new hobby - return to playing the piano. Gradually, building up a repertoire of sorts. I'm not very good - after 40 years it's all a bit rusty and forgotten - but I'm sure it'll get better. (Might take a while.)
Gone: old hobby - knitting - it was just too much for my elbow, so there's unlikely to be much more of that. Sorry. I've left the gallery there for the time being, though.
Still remaining upon these pages are some past scribblings, including:
Craft Blog - A bit of craftiness (last updated 20/02/2016)
And I've left the Physics Page from teacher-y days